Stroud Valley Crematorium

Serving communities across Stroud, Gloucester, the Cotswolds and South Gloucestershire.


Meeting Today's Needs

Feedback from local funeral directors and bereaved families have confirmed that there is a need for a new purpose-built modern crematoria to serve Stroud District and the surrounding communities. The proposed facility will provide much needed additional capacity and at the same time also offer families the choice of a different funeral experience to that offered by other existing crematoria serving the area. Westerleigh Group offer families a non-rushed personalised funeral service set within peaceful and tranquil landscaped memorial grounds.

Site Location

The site has been carefully chosen to be accessible to families within the wider Gloucestershire area, including the communities of Stroud, Gloucester, Cotswold and South Gloucestershire districts, whilst at the same time providing a beautiful and tranquil setting. The location of the site and its natural screening also minimises any visual impact of the development on local communities and surrounding land uses.

The Design

The proposed scheme has been designed to nestle into the wider landscape and provide a sequence of spaces that guide visitors to the chapel. The quality of client experience is of paramount importance. The approach to the building is framed by the welcome garden which is an integral feature of the scheme and defines the arrival area. The garden provides a year-round external assembly space incorporating shelters for meeting and quiet contemplation before entry to the building. 

Site Location

Stroud Valley Crematorium
Bristol Road,
GL10 3AL


Location Map
Location Map


  • Building located away from nearby existing development to prevent impact on existing land uses.
  • Heavily landscaped through the enhancement of the existing hedgerows and tree belts, preventing views in from neighboring sites.
  • Creation of a new bund along the existing roadway to further enclose site and accommodate a tranquil setting.
  • Sustainable and accessible location for both car sharing and public transport.


Internally the Chapel has been designed to be narrower at the front of the space to provide intimacy for smaller ceremonies and wider space to the rear of the chapel allowing for larger ceremonies. A central high level window will provide natural daylight to the space. Material finishes internally will be subtle to create a calm and welcoming space. The sequence of spaces and movement through the site has been a key consideration in the design development of the proposals.

The layout of the site has been designed to place the chapel entrance as the focal point upon arrival framed by landscaping and trees. Routes to and from the building are clearly defined to aid ease of movement though the site.

The majority of services are anticipated to happen outside of peak traffic times, with around 95% of services across Westerleigh’s other sites falling between the 10:00-16:00 period.

Location Map

Proposed Elevations

Artist's Impression

Getting Your Views

We are looking for your feedback on the scheme.

Please get in touch with comments, thoughts or suggestions by contacting


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