
Westerleigh Group Complaints Policy


Westerleigh Group prides itself on exemplary customer service and believes in facilitating swift resolution of any customer complaints. Once a complaint has been raised, our desire is to resolve it as quickly and efficiently as possible and we always aim to equitably resolve complaints where it is within our power to do so.

We believe that if someone feels strongly enough to take the time to complain then it is essential we treat their complaint properly, sympathetically and take the time to properly investigate and learn from any mistakes we may have made.

We may also discuss your complaint with our service partners where appropriate to do so.

We strive to ensure that our site teams and local management are empowered to deal with the majority of complaints at a local level and we encourage anyone who feels that our service could or should have been better to contact the appropriate site manager and discuss the situation with them.

We understand that not all suggestions can be accommodated and that sometimes complaints cannot be easily resolved, when this is the case a formal complaints process may be entered into.

Making a complaint

Stage 1

You should raise your complaint at the earliest possible opportunity.

Either :
•  Verbally in person to any staff member at the crematorium/cemetery

•  By telephone with any staff member at the site

•  In writing to the site manager at the address given on the crematorium/cemetery website.

•  By email to the site email address given on the crematorium/cemetery website.

We encourage everyone to raise the complaint as soon as possible and ideally with the site team but if you feel you can’t raise the matter with the crematorium staff but wish instead to write directly to the senior team you may do so.

By email to:

or by post to:
Customer Relations
Westerleigh Group Head Office,
Chapel View,
Westerleigh Road,
Bristol. BS37 8QP


When we have received your complaint

We will:

•  Try to immediately resolve the complaint if it is possible to do so. However, we recognise that whilst our staff are empowered to solve as many problems as possible, sometimes matters will need to be escalated to a manager to resolve.

•  If the staff member you report the problem to is not able to resolve the complaint they will escalate the complaint to their site manager who will investigate the circumstances.

•  If our site team cannot offer a resolution of the complaint within 2 working days they will write to you to acknowledge the complaint and set out the proposed timescales for further investigation and if appropriate set out any possible resolutions.

•  If you are not happy with the proposed resolution or the proposed timescales then you may request that the complaint be escalated to stage 2

•  If the complaint is of a serious nature, we may escalate it to stage 2 immediately.


Stage 2

If your complaint cannot be resolved in stage 1, the complaint will be escalated to a senior manager within the group for them to investigate and consider further.
We will:

•  Contact you to inform you who is dealing with the escalated complaint and may also seek additional information where appropriate.

•  Endeavour where possible to investigate and resolve the complaint within 14 days of the escalation

•  Write to you or telephone you within 14 days to set out our findings or to explain that we need further time to investigate the complaint, if additional time is needed, this further time would not normally exceed a further 14 days.

If we are unable to offer a satisfactory resolution to the complaint within the above timescales you may request then the complaint is escalated to stage 3.


Stage 3

The complaint will be passed to a Director to review and they will :

•  Contact you if necessary to further discuss the complaint.

•  Review any correspondence.

•  Review the evidence.

•  Confirm their findings in writing to you within 14 days of the review being conducted.

Stage 3 is the final stage in the complaints procedure and no further appeal is possible however you may write to the Chief Executive Officer if you remain unsatisfied.

Westerleigh Group Head Office
Chapel View
Westerleigh Road
Bristol BS37 8QP





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